Connect App for Amazon WorkDocs

Share hardcopy documents directly from your printer safely and securely.
Give your colleagues and customers instant access to create and collaborate with you with this document sharing app.

On average, 61% of respondents see moving to the cloud as a top priority this year.
With the Amazon WorkDocs App on your Xerox® ConnectKey® Technology-enabled multifunction printer, file collaboration has never been easier. Instantly transform and share hard copy documents right from your MFP.

A Workflow that Actually Works for You

Log In

Log in to the Amazon WorkDocs app to get started.

Scan or Print

Scan your documents, preview and easily print them.


Securely share documents safely across devices with ease.

Secure, Fully Managed Content Creation and File Collaboration

The Amazon WorkDocs App2 is a safe and secure collaboration connector for Xerox ConnectKey Technology. Stay organized by routing documents to the appropriate folders and transform paper into digitally accessible files with direct connection to the app from your MFP.
log in to the amazon workdocs app directly from your mfp


Open the Amazon WorkDocs App and log in using your Amazon credentials.

scan or print documents from your amazon workdocs folder


Once logged in, choose to scan documents, preview and print available documents with a few simple taps.

Share documents with the amazon workdocs app


Anyone with access to your folder can also instantly preview and print the shared documents and files.

Your Workplace Assistant is Ready and Waiting

Streamline workflows and tame complex processes in any office setting with Xerox ConnectKey Technology-enabled devices and apps for your workplace assistant. Ideal for educators and administrators in higher education and K-12, as well as communications professionals in every industry.

Let us help you get started

We are ready to bring you the best products and solutions to address your specific business needs.