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Planning for 2022 Technology Upgrades? Why It’s Important to Start Now

by | Oct 18, 2021

If your university, school, or educational organization already has technology upgrades for the 2022 new school year on its to-do list, then it’s a good idea to start moving on these plans now. With the current supply chain issues and shipping delays, and not to mention upcoming expirations on relief funds, schools and education institutions can easily find themselves last in line for popular educational technology purchases if they don’t start acting ASAP.

Some of the most sought-after educational technology includes interactive displays, printers and copiers, monitors and laptops, audio conferencing and other hybrid learning technology. Why is timing so important when it comes to these types of educational technology upgrades? Keep reading to learn more!


Expect Longer Lead Times for Educational Technology Deliveries

Supply chains are continuing to suffer after the events of 2020. The pandemic is still affecting businesses, namely those involved in international shipping. According to an online CNBC article, “…manufacturing data finds that the worsening delays will continue well into 2022.  Moreover, pessimism is growing among shipping executives—some now expecting the disruption to continue even into 2023.”

You have probably noticed an emptiness on the shelves at grocery stores near you, or perhaps have experienced months-long delay times in some of the products that you order online. This disruption in shipping is bleeding over into the consumer world—inflation is on the rise as a result of this break in supply and demand.

Why are industries experiencing such a severe delay across the board? There is chaos in shipping ports right now, where containers are either lost to disorganization, or aren’t making it to port at all due to lags in delivery of other ships. In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, 49.1% of all imports from Asia to the US pass through either the Port of Los Angeles or the Port of Long Beach. Additionally, as of February 2021, we saw a 31% increase in ship traffic and a 49% increase in container traffic. This has led to an average of 30 container ships per day that have been stuck outside the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach just waiting to deliver their goods.

And this is the situation for those goods that even make it on to a ship. There are still issues for many manufacturers to find space on ships coming out of Asia for their products. The incredibly increased demand for shipping containers has resulted in tight container availability, with ports in Asia remaining congested and ocean freight rates reaching record highs. What used to be at max a 6-to-8-week process is now taking as long as 4 to 6 months!

No industry is safe from shipping delays. If you have been wanting to buy a new office printer or computer online but have seen “out of stock” alerts on your favorite brands for months, you’re not alone. Many technology manufacturers and distributors are suffering from shipping delays as a direct result of the pandemic, causing industries such as education, healthcare, finance, and others to scramble when faced with impending technology updates.

School systems in particular need to plan ahead when preparing to update their technologies, not only because they may be set back months waiting for new equipment, but also because of the impending expiration of relief funds.

ESSER Funds for Educational Technology Will Expire in 2022

In May and December of 2020, the U.S. Department of Education granted relief to state schools in the form of funds that were based on the “proportion of funding each state received under Part A of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.”

This relief—known as the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER I and II)—was awarded to schools across the nation as a direct result of the financial crisis brought on by the pandemic. ESSER I and ESSER II funds are able to be used for purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity) for students that aids in regular and substantive educational interaction between students and their classroom instructors. With these funds, schools were able to continue operating—creating a productive learning environment for students, even remotely.

ESSER I funds are set to expire in September of 2022, and ESSER II funds will only be available until September of 2023. But with shipping delays and inflation on the rise, what financial situation will schools be in by the time these relief acts expire? Now is the time for schools to complete all of the education technology upgrades they desperately need, while they can utilize this relief funding and can stand to wait on long delivery times.

Even if the nation falls into a financial crisis, education will be essential for children growing up in this environment. Without education paving the way for the next working class, the country may never recover from whatever disaster that could be waiting down the road as a result of the pandemic. It’s imperative that schools do all that they can to upgrade their technology and create a learning environment that can continue to be productive and engaging.

Plan Now for Interactive Classroom Technology Updates

We understand just how important it is for classrooms to get ahead of the curve and plan purchases for new educational technologies as soon as possible. Parmetech supports a hybrid learning environment with our equipment, software, and services, including ViewSonic interactive displays. We have been assisting schools with technology upgrades long before the pandemic, and we will continue to help the education industry with technology solutions that are adapted to accommodate the state of the world.

Schools are suffering just as much as businesses in terms of delayed delivery. Getting your items on a ship, across the sea, and to a port in the country in an organized manner is not as easy as it sounds. Freight congestion, tight container availability, and lack of space have all contributed to these months-long delays in shipping. If you want to have your technology ready for the 2022 school year, you need to start planning and acting now!

Start researching the latest technologies the education industry has to offer. Schedule a demo with us for industry-leading educational technology such as interactive panels, so that you can give yourself enough time to evaluate the technology and how it fits your needs, as well as how it compares to alternatives you may be considering. We want your classroom to succeed, and we’ll help any way we can when it comes to finding the right technology for your needs!

Don’t wait for your ESSER funds to expire. Act now while there’s still time! Let Parmetech help your school be ready for whatever 2022 has in store. Connect with us today to started!

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