Xerox® Connect App for SignNow – eSignatures

More features and your fingertips.
Make eSignatures even more convenient and efficient.

What is the average time companies save by using eSignatures? About 22,000 hours per year!

The beauty of eSignatures is that they allow you to keep important documents and agreements moving from anywhere.
Now “anywhere” includes your Xerox® Multifunction Printer (MFP). Save time by sending, saving, and even signing documents using nothing more than the Xerox® Connect App for SignNow and your printer’s user interface.  You can also quickly and easily print your SignNow documents, scan new paper documents to your account and update existing SignNow templates. Ensure accuracy by using pinch-to-zoom functionality to preview single-page thumbnails of your documents. Plus add dates and initials when you need to and save your drawn signature for future use. All at the user interface of your Xerox® MFP.

A Seamless Extension of eSignatures Efficiency

Log in at your multifunction printer

Select the document from your SignNow account

Preview and digitally sign your document using the MFP user interface

Save your signed document to SignNow and send to others

More Features at Your Fingertips

The Connect App for SignNow provides one more access point to the benefits and capabilities of your SignNow account. This added convenience not only shortens turnaround times and processing cycles, but also helps maximize the value of your eSignature investment.
SignNow app home screen


Choose to sign, print or scan SignNow documents from the home screen.

browse screen for the sign now app


Browse documents and templates in your SignNow account.

signature screen for the connect sign now app


Sign using the user interface or select from your saved signatures.

Your Workplace Assistant is Ready and Waiting

Streamline workflows and tame complex processes in any office setting with Xerox ConnectKey Technology-enabled devices and apps for your workplace assistant. Ideal for educators and administrators in higher education and K-12, as well as communications professionals in every industry.

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